I received a BFA in advertising & graphic design from the Columbus College of Art & Design. My graphic design work has been featured on the Columbus College of Art & Design blog and I am a published musician and photographer.

Born in Cristóbal, Panamá, to a Panamanian mother and Italian father, I grew up in the United States. In 1904, the first Nesossis immigrated to the United States from Chiavenna – a city in northern Italy. Prior to coming through immigration, the family name was spelt Nesossi (Knee-so-see). Upon arrival, immigration quickly added the extra letter changing the family name to Nesossis (Knee-so-sis).
Hector and Annie Lamey Nesossis were bakers and together they owned and operated The National Confectionery in Biloxi, Mississippi. In 1918 the bakery caught on fire and shortly afterwards they moved their 7 children to Texas.
Over the decades there were other family members who were creative. A great grandmother who painted in water colors, a great uncle who worked as an animator for Walt Disney, a grandmother who worked as a typesetter and grandfather who assisted in building the Panama Canal.
"I can remember playing the role of graphic designer while flipping through my parents vinyl collection. I would try to recreate the album covers by drawing in my sketch book. Music continues to play an important role in my life."